Post by Maurits Meeusen on Oct 19, 2015 9:48:49 GMT
What are your favorite decks? Personally, mine are Control Warrior and Oil Rogue, although rogue isn't doing too well anymore, unfortunately
Post by marethyu on Oct 20, 2015 8:20:36 GMT
Hey, The old decks I enjoyed alot were Miracle Rogue (Boy, that was fun ^_^), Tempo Shaman (Before any expansions), Freeze Mage and Control Warrior. These days I'm playing mainly Combo Druid and Casino Mage
Post by Michael Delsink on Oct 20, 2015 11:24:06 GMT
At the moment I am currently rotating between control shaman (a decklist heavily inspired by www.hearthpwn.com/decks/68166-crusher-shaman-legendary ), classic control priest with a baron geddon instead of the usual rag or sylvannas, and a standard malylock. I used to play a lot of oil rogue, but it is just too sad that rogue didnt get anything to work with in TGT.
Post by Maurits Meeusen on Oct 20, 2015 15:28:43 GMT
Yeah im still sad about rogue being this shit, I've tried poisoned blade, tempo rogue, dragon rogue.. but really it's just kinda meh